My Furnace Blowing Cold Air, Why?
Don’t be alarmed if your furnace is pumping chilly air instead of warm air. It’s possible that the solution is straightforward. Find out why your furnace is spewing chilly air and what you can do about it.
Reasons Your Furnace is Blowing Cold Air
Remember that a cold furnace normally indicates a problem, but it isn’t always a “major” issue. Before hiring an HVAC specialist, you can run your own assessment to see whether it’s something you can handle yourself. Look for the source of the problem in the locations listed below.
1.Ductwork Leaking
Not only does leaking ductwork allow warm air from your furnace to escape, but it also allows cold air from the outside to enter. Even little leaks can have an impact on your home’s temperature and lower your furnace’s overall performance. Locating leaks or holes in your ducts may require the assistance of a specialist.
2.Air Filter
Filters that are dirty or blocked hinder warm air from moving in your furnace. Replace your air filter every month or two to ensure maximum performance. Additionally, high-quality filters should be purchased to ensure appropriate indoor air quality.
Sometimes the issue is as simple as a malfunctioning thermostat. Check that the thermostat is set to “on” and that the batteries are charged. It’s possible that the thermostat, if it’s electric, has lost power.
4.Pilot Light
To turn your pilot light back on, hold down the gas valve regulator and reignite it with a lighter. No pilot light means no warm air. Always double check!
5.Gas Valve
The thermocouple is in charge of controlling your gas valve. You’ll have trouble keeping your pilot light lit if either of them goes out.
Your furnace will not heat up due to a faulty electrical ignition. You won’t be able to solve this on your own, so if you feel this is the issue, contact an HVAC technician.
7.Flame Sensor
Your flame sensor might build up a coating of debris, grit, or grime over time. The burner will turn off early as a result of this.
The Importance of Proper HVAC Maintenance
Not every furnace issue may be avoided. However, by following the above-described HVAC maintenance suggestions, you can avoid the problems mentioned above.
1.Filter Changing
Pay attention to the packaging of your air filter and replace it according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
2. Inspect your system
Once a month or so, inspect your furnace for any obvious faults. Cracks, rust, filth, and other signs of trouble signal a problem or you can have a certified company that offers monthly services like ours.
3. Schedule A Professional HVAC Preventative Maintenance
Professional tune-ups keep minor problems from becoming major ones. It is always cheaper to solve problems as soon as possible.
Looking For A Reliable HVAC Service Company?
We can expose you to some of the most energy-efficient and cost-effective modern technology solutions currently available on the market as a licensed HVAC service provider. Earth Temp HVAC, Inc. not only are we an accredited company with the Better Business Bureau with an A+, we also provide high-quality equipment with unbeatable warranties and exceptional installation services and repair services all at affordable pricing. We have locations in Homer Glen, IL. and Rolling Meadows, IL. to better serve our customers, and if you are interested in learning more about high-efficiency furnaces, air conditioners or any of the equipment we work with, please contact us now to discuss the numerous options available to you and your house.
Check out all our other content on our blog page to learn about preventive maintenance, thermostats, smart thermostats, air conditioners, heaters, filters and etc.